“Seek the Lord while he may be found; call upon him while he is near; let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, that he may have compassion on him, and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”
I was riding my motorbike behind a food delivery man. He was traveling on his motorbike at a reasonable speed 2 lanes from me. The next thing I knew was, he ramped his motorbike into the rear bumper of a car with a loud bang, damaging the bumper. As a motorcyclist,
I knew this could happen when the rider is tired, or his mind was not on the road, or both.
When we travel down the path of life, we need to make choices as to which way we should take. We can choose the easy way by taking “short-cuts”. We can choose the righteous way, our style. Or we can choose God’s way. What way we choose will determine the thoughts we focus our minds on. If we choose God’s way, we will also seek His mind, His heart, and His pleasure. If we choose the path of least resistance, we will incline, or at least tempted to compromise on our values. If we choose the righteous way according to our own definition and convenient, we may fall into the destruction brought by pride and our flesh.
If ever we have chosen to walk in God’s way but allowed our thoughts to stray, we may end up in destruction, quite like what happened to the food delivery motorcyclist. The Lord’s way is always higher than ours.
That is why sometimes we cannot understand His way with our limited reasoning capacity. We need only to trust Him. Allow Him to lead you into His way if you find yourself quite “stuck” as where you are in life. His thoughts are always higher than ours, much higher that we could ever imagine or envisage. If we choose His ways, we will know His thoughts, we will think His thoughts. When we think His thoughts, we will make wise and godly decisions which will lead us to His fruitfulness, prosperity and victory.
Choose to walk in God’s way today. Seek Him (not just His blessings), call upon Him (pray with understanding and in the Spirit), forsake your wicked ways and your strayed thoughts (repentance), return to His way as He reveals to you, and be blessed!
Spend time:
- Worship the Lord for His majesty, praise and thank Him for His goodness and faithfulness.
- Call on Him to show you His way, in the area of your life where you have struggles.
- Repent of the times you have chosen your own way stubbornly.
- Submit the area of your struggles to the Lord. Ask Him for practical steps to take.