Sermon: Inner Healing and Emotional Wholeness

Reading: Mark 5:21-34

Forgiveness – the key to inner healing


Where is the wound when we are emotionally hurt?


The Nature of Man – spirit, soul, body.


Peace – Is a condition of freedom from disturbance, whether outwardly, as of a nation from war or enemies, or inwardly, within the soul.


  1. Peace with God – coming out from hiding

    • Jesus opens the access for us to have a right relationship with God – Father and sons, a love relationship that freewill is exercise
    • Satan opens the access for us to have a wrong relationship with him – Master and slaves, a lust relationship that domination, manipulation, and control is exercise
    • Mark 5:33
  1. Peace with ourselves – believes God accepts us just as we are

    • Emotional wholeness – Open the doors of our life to God the way He opens His for us
    • Mark 5:34
  1. Peace with others – to be able to appear in public again

    • The journey of a healing person:
      • Healing does not come immediately sometimes
      • Peace with others does not mean there will be no disagreement
      • Move on or stay on