Week 1 – 6 January 2013

Start New

1. Start New, start right

  • Luke 5:33-6:11
  • To start new we need to move on from the old
  • To start new sometimes mean to do the former things from an entirely different basis and for an entirely different reason or purpose
  • To start new we need to desire the new

2. The need to capture the spirit of the Word of God

  • The written word must become the revealed word to us
  • The spirit of the law of God is to give life, the letter of the law if only mechanically complied, avails no power but brings death
  • Romans 7:66 But now we have been delivered from the law, having died to what we were held by, so that we should serve in the newness of the Spirit and not in the oldness of the letter.
  • 2 Corinthians 3:66 who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

3. Comply without compromise

  • The start of the abundant life is evidenced by a life lived out from the Word of God
  • Allowing the spirit of the Word of God transform us, then we will desire the new and live life in God’s way


1. 新的开始,好的开始

  • 路加福音5:33-6:11
  • 若要新的开始我们必须从旧的开始前进
  • 有时候新的开始代表为了全新的理由和目的,以全新的道理来做之前所做的事
  • 若要从新开始我们必须渴慕新的开始

2. 需要抓住神话语的精神

  • 书写的话语必须成为启示我们的话语
  • 神律法的精神乃是赐生命的,书写的律法若单单机械化地遵守,不会有任何能力反而带来死亡
  • 罗马书7:66但我们既然在捆我们的律法上死了,现今就脱离了律法,叫我们服事主,要按着心灵的新样,不按着仪文的旧样
  • 哥林多后书3:66 他叫我们能承当这新约的执事。不是凭着字句,乃是凭着精意。因为那字句是叫人死,精意是叫人活。(精意或作圣灵)。

3. 毫无妥协地遵守

  • 一个丰盛生命的开始能够透过一个活出神话语的生命得到证明
  • 让神话语的灵来改变我们,那么我们就会渴慕新的生命并且按照神的方法活出我们的生命