Week 11 – 16th March 2014


 1.      Introduction (Luke 9:23)

  • Deny yourself
  • Take up your cross daily
  • Follow Jesus Christ

2.      The Costs of Discipleship you must consider

  • Family and Relationships (Luke 14:26a)
  • Own life (Luke 14:26b)
  • Possessions (Luke 14:33)

3.      The Pitfalls of NOT considering the Cost of Discipleship

  •  Losing your witness (Luke 14:28-30)
  • Losing your peace with God (Luke 14:31-32)
  • Losing your effectiveness (Luke 14:34-35)

4.     Daily Having the Mind of Christ is Discipleship (James 3:13-18)

  • Having the mind of Christ is having heavenly wisdom
  • Not having the mind of Christ is having earthly wisdom