Week 12 – 23rd March 2014

Discipleship – Giving, Prayer, and Fasting

Matt 5,6,& 7 the blueprint of discipleship

Matt 5: v 1-2

‘When Jesus saw the crowds, he went up the mountain; and after he sat down, his disciples came to him. Then he began to speak, and taught them saying…..’


Ch 6:1-18  3 spiritual disciplines bringing us greater freedom


1. Giving to the Poor v 2 – 4 (frees us from greed and covetousness)

  • Do it in secret and you will be rewarded by God the Father

2. Prayer v 5 – 15 (frees us from independence from God)

  • Do it in secret and not dependent on an abundance of words
  • Our prayer should have 2 focus points
    • Fatherhood of God
    • the Kingdom of God

3. Fasting v 16 – 18 (frees us from unbelief)

  • 2 hindrances to living in the Spirit
    • Self will
    • The insistent self-gratifying appetites of the body
  • Mark 2:18-20