More than a Jewish Messiah
1. Jesus – Messiah for the world
- Luke 10:1-37
- Jesus is the Saviour of the world and we as His disciples are tasked with the assignment of bringing this good news to the world
2. How must we live our lives, then?
- Recognize that there is a harvest
- Know that the enemy is hostile
- Acknowledge that our needs will be well met in the Father
- Whatever Jesus tells us, faithfully do – show kindness, preach the word, heal the sick, drive out demons and proclaim that Jesus is coming again
3. How do we receive the Kingdom of God into our lives?
- Be a “son of Peace” – in order to receive shalom from the Lord of Shalom, we need to be willing to allow God to be Lord
- Live the word, not just know it – live by the spirit of the word, not the letter of the word
- Do not allow the world to defile us or the rob us of the abundant life that Jesus has given us – shake off the dust of the heathen