Gifts fit for a King
“And on going into the house, they saw the Child with Mary His mother, and they fell down and worshiped Him. Then opening their treasure bags, they presented to Him gifts—gold and frankincense and myrrh.” Matthew 2:11
When we attend a baby full moon celebration or visit new born babies, we normally will bring gifts that either the babies need or what their mothers need. Gifts are reflective of the honour the guests show to the hosts and what the recipients need. When the wise men made preparation to visit the One whom they knew was a newborn King, they also prepared gifts for Him – gifts befitting a King. Few may bring expensive gifts for a baby, fewer still would bring gifts both expensive and extravagant, at least in our eyes. Not forgetting the tremendous amount of effort put in transporting them.
Obviously the gifts and effort of the wise men speaks of worship of God. Man has been created to reflect the glory of the Most High God, our Creator. Worship speaks of giving of not only our best, but involves giving of all of ourselves. Giving of our best is giving what we can offer, materially and measurable in time and effort. Giving of ourselves is a blank cheque we give to God and say, “Here am I, Lord. Do as you will”. Risky!
It is this kind of worship that will open our lives to an exciting journey with God, because it expresses total dependence on God and burning-the-bridge-behind-us kind of trust. God WILL open the door for us to move to the next level of our faith journey with Him, revealing more of His love and Himself to us, showing us even clearer the way we should go.
So, this coming Christmas. Let us remember that God has given Himself to us, by giving His Son Jesus to the world. Let us therefore respond by giving of all our lives to Him, bring Him a gift fit for the King of Kings!