19th October 2014

What is that to you?

 Jesus said to him, ” If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you? You follow Me.” John 21:22


In our society and culture today, any effort or endeavour to improve ourselves or our current is often seen as a virtue, something to be encouraged. But not quite if it is done because we are comparing ourselves to others. If our motivation to improve our state or excel in our work is to prove that we are better than those around us, we will never find satisfaction in our work. Because we will always find others whom we want to be, whom we want to prove that we are better.


God has created each one of us unique. Uniquely precious in His eyes. He has also destined us to be part of His perfect plan and purpose for mankind. When we become His children, He has prepared for us a place in His Kingdom and His family. Each one of God’s children has been given gifts. It is God’s plan that we will develop those giftings, so that our unique personhood may shine forth. It pleases the Father’s heart tremendously when He sees His children become the very persons He has designed and destined us to be.


God has in His wisdom, put us at the right place in His plan. However, sometimes we might choose to walk a bit outside His guidance, like Jesus’ disciples. God has to bring us back to His path, restore His plumb line into our lives. Each one of us would need to walk our own journey. Each of us needs to be accountable to God’s calling ourselves. We need not compare ourselves with others. The ultimate satisfaction and fulfilment in life is when we become what God has created us to be, to be where He wants us to be, to do what He wants us to and at the very time when He wants us to live.


If the Church desires to accomplish her mission and live in her destiny, each one of us as God’s children needs to stay faithful to our individual calling and be good stewards of our gifts from God.