Marks of the calling of a disciple (Luke 5:1-11, 27-32)
1. Encounter with Lord Jesus.
- Luke 5:8 – Jesus is the light, all who encounter with Jesus see their own sins and God’s holiness.
- Luke 5:31-32 – To follow after Jesus, we need to acknowledge that we are sinners and we cannot save ourselves, and know that only Jesus can help.
2. Forsook all, and followed Jesus.
- Luke 5:11
- Luke 5:28 – To follow Jesus is not only to acknowledge Jesus is our savior we also have to lay down the past and entrust our future in Him.
3. Heard the call of Jesus.
- Luke 5:27 – Follow me.
- Luke 5:10b – Don’t be afraid; from now on you will catch men.
With Jesus in our life, He turns our inadequacy to abundance, weaknesses to perfections, He also calls us to walk with Him.
1. 与主相遇。
- 路5:8 – 主是生命的光,所有遇见主的人都在祂的光中看见自己的罪及神的荣耀。
- 路5:31-32 – 要跟随耶稣不单要承认自己的罪也要承认自己无力自救,并且知道惟有耶稣能帮助我们。
2. 撇下所有的跟从了耶稣。
- 路5:11
- 路5:28 – 要跟随耶稣不单是要承认祂是救主,还要放下我们的过去,把我们的将来交在祂手里。
3. 听见主的呼召。
- 路5:27 – 你跟从我来。
- 路5:10下 – 不要怕,从今以后你要得人了。