Sermon: In God’s Faithfulness We Trust

  1. God’s faithfulness – what does it mean?

  • He will do what He promises
  • He will not promise if He will not do
  • He will not speak if He will not also promise
  • When He speaks, He is willing, able and ready to execute as well
  1. The Ransomed will Return

  • Isaiah 35
  • Promise of Reversal of Judgment (v 1-2)
  • Promise of Restoration of Justice (v3-4)
  • Promise of Healings (v5-7)
  • Promise of Reversal of Destruction (v 7)
  • Promise of Safe Highway – God’s guidance (v 8-9)
  1. The mark of a saint

  • God’s faithfulness prevails in the life of His righteous
  • His righteous remains faithful to what God has entrusted to them
  1. His faithfulness must be proclaimed and shared