Sermon: The art of hearing

  1. Take heed of how we hear

  • Revelation comes to us through hearing
  • Hearing needs effort – we must desire to hear before we can listen
  1. How do we hear from God?

  • Luke 8:9-10
  • The crowd listen to preaching; the disciples listens to Jesus – spend uninterrupted time with Jesus with the desire to hear
  • Luke 8:15 – with a noble and good heart
  1. What can hinder us from hearing?

  • Luke 8:11-15
  • Demonic activities
  • Hardened hearts
  • Distracted hearts
  1. Why do we need to hear from Jesus?

  • John 6:68 – Jesus has the words of life, through Him the revelation of God comes to every disciple of Jesus
  • The words of God has life and could bear fruit in our lives if we allow it to take root and change us from the inside out