You Are Not Alone
“For the Lord hears the poor, and does not despise His prisoners.” Psalm 69:33
A friend of mine told me an incident he encountered in one of the suburb, Foh Sang sometimes ago. He was witnessing a snatch thief in operation together in front of a packed coffee shop. A man sitting together with a group of friends near the door started to shout at the snatch thief to stop. Encouraged by his friends, he stood up and gave chase to the thief. When the thief was confronted by him, the thief pulled out a knife. The man looked back and found that none of his friends came out of the coffee shop with him. He was all alone!
Sometimes we find ourselves in a situation that we feel so isolated, or due to our own actions and choices, we have isolated ourselves from the help we need so much from others, even God. The sense of helplessness is real. But we can be assured and thankful that our God will never leave us alone. His ears are always tuned in to our cries, His eyes are always on us.
David considered himself as “poor” when he found himself in deep despair and helplessness. Poor because he had no options in the circumstances. He cried out to the Lord having no plan “B” in mind. The Lord heard Him and saved Him. Even sometimes we may feel that it is God who is responsible behind our circumstances and predicament, David tells us that “He does not despise His prisoner”. How wonderfully comforting can that be! With God in our lives, we are never left alone. No matter where we are in life, we can always count on the Lord’s help, His very present help in times of need. His help come to us sometimes through people around us. Through godly counsellors, godly influence in our surrounding.
“If your today is beginning to resemble a wilderness remember to guard your heart and avoid isolation’s darkness. Instead, draw from the entourage of God’s provision—in cadence with the Lord, synced with Him, surrounded by wise counselors and godly influence. For you and me, life is no place to go it alone.” (Adopted from Shirley Weaver Devotional)
Open yourself to the Lord and His counsel and help. He does not leave us nor forsake us.