Sunday – 15th December 2013

Words by our Priest-in-Charge:

Priest-in Charge

Appointed Things

As we approach Christmas, we remember the first coming of The Lord Jesus. His coming marked the entering of God’s reign in man’s life. When we submit our lives to His reign, we in fact invite Him to bring the fulfillment of His will into our lives. The following devotional from Shirley Weaver Ministry gives us some perspectives on this:

God appoints particular people for particular tasks. Each one is gifted by the Lord to accomplish these God-given assignments. God is both giver of the gift and governor over the task. His paths are peace and His blessing of peace connects us to paths where His government concerning life-assignments is established. Acts 17:24-31

Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice…. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this. Isaiah 9:7

Our part is to agree with His government. When we do, divine government displaces the world’s confusion with order and replaces the driving force of the world’s way of doing things with peace! Best of all, His government over appointed things in our lives, along with the corresponding fruit of peace produced, is on the increase! He is Lord of Hosts—our Captain; He is zealous to provide and commands His government accordingly!
