Sunday – 17th February 2013

Words by our Priest-in-Charge:

Priest-in Charge

Each One has His Place


“For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ….. Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually.” I Corinthians 12:12, 27

“Got to have dinner earlier tonight” I thought to myself. “Let me see whether mom and dad have finished cooking. Otherwise, just grab a bite after the PCC meeting later.”

I was getting ready for PCC meeting. It was not unusual for me to have to hurry through dinner for a PCC meeting. I served in the PCC for many years. I would be lying if I said I have enjoyed the role all the time. There were just so many things to discuss, so many decisions to make, so many people to consider and care for. Tired sometimes? Yes, no doubt about that.

I never quite know how to appreciate my role in PCC after the initial excitement. It was serving God, I told myself. But then I argued, I could always serve God in other capacity. Until I see the role of serving in the PCC as serving the Body of Christ in the local church. As I connect with the people from my congregation, I see them (together with me) form parts of the Body of which I belong. It is more than just serving God, but also serving the Body. There are always needs in the Church, as members and new people come. There are various responsibilities and “chores” that need our attention. Of course, we could hire people to do some of these, but I believe it is the Lord’s design that we should serve one another out of love and reverence for Christ, who is the Head of the Body. Only when that realization came to me that I find new joy and meaning in serving in the PCC. I do not merely live for myself as Christian. I live in a inter dependence relationship with the Body of Christ.

As we are continuing with our membership drive and nomination for PCC members this year, may I encourage all of us to prayerfully consider how can I contribute to the Body life in Desert Stream? Each one of us has a part to play. The PCC of Desert Stream, as we have established since the beginning, is a functional leadership team. That means, we lead by contributing our various giftings, life skills, time, energy and love to build up the life and witness of the Church.

Would you consider how you might be able to serve the Body of Christ in Desert Stream?