Sunday – 19th January 2014

Words by our Priest-in-Charge:

Priest-in Charge

Able To Make You Wise

In the maze of life-altering decisions guarded by all those giants standing between you and your breakthrough, remember your Source, the Rock from which you were hewn . . . . “And that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” (2Tim 3:15-16)

  • From childhood. Despite lack or loss in other areas, the Lord’s sovereign intervention exposed you to the one thing that really matters, that controls and holds everything together—the Word of God has guided you.
  • Wise for salvation. Wise for wholeness, for completeness, including your past and future together, a series of miracles you may not have completely noticed; His workmanship—carved out, created for specific good works prepared before, ready now.
  • For reproof and correction. Removal of guilt and its driving torment. The entrance of God’s Word, forever settled in your understanding concerning God’s plan for your life. You are freed from guilt and its devastation.

You are equipped to walk this out as one who is wise – you have much, much more than a nervous preoccupation with endless, empty questions that lead to doubt. Your future is secure, your destiny specific, and those around you marvel at your rock-solid confidence in God for the details.

The Scriptures have made you wise! Hallelujah!


Adapted from Shirley Weaver Ministries Devotional