Sunday – 21st September 2014

God’ leading for the future

 “Many plans are in a man’s mind, but it is the Lord’s purpose for him that will stand.”

Proverbs 19:21 (Amp)


We have just finished 2 days of planning retreat. We were once again reminded of the destiny and calling the Lord has for Desert Stream. We are aware that in order for God’s purpose to be fulfilled in us and through us, we need to allow Him to first and foremost prepare us. We may have plans, but God is more interested in us. Because He loves us, and He wants to accomplish His purpose His way, and our responsibility is to stay yielded to Him.

“A prophetic anointing upon our lives today leads us to prepare prophetically for a future time. Like Joseph who, held as a slave and against impossible odds, rose to a position of leadership in a pagan nation and, in that position, devised plans to deliver the entire region from starvation. Prophetically inspired by God, Joseph prepared ahead of time for a multi-nation famine that had the potential to destroy everything and everyone in its path, in the process distinguishing himself for all time as the forerunner example of how its done. You and I are modern-day Josephs. 

Prophetic emphasis in times of prayer and study puts Christian believers in a position like Joseph. Sensitivity to prophetic insight from Holy Spirit is our part – the Lord speaks prophetically and we discern His leading. The person who sees clearly and trusts that leading, against whatever odds, has insight beyond the moment to effectively pray for the unexpected. 

For prophetic believers, the unknown belongs to God and is not a threat. He tells them of things to come! Those willing to see beyond the moment are sharpened spiritually to carry others forward as well because they discern something brighter and greater than the present, and prophetically see the generations as God intended. Aided by elders whose wisdom is fine-tuned with experience, our present and past combine two treasures . . . this generation and the next, placed prominently by the Lord . . . for such a time as this. Prophetic insight is a wealth.” 

Adopted from Shirley Weaver’s Devotional