Sunday – 28th October 2012

Words by our Priest-in-Charge:

Priest-in Charge

Disciples with Undivided Heart

And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. Matthew 28:8-20

I was told we were going to listen to the sharing of 2 oldest ministry team members in Pierrepont this week. One of them is 94 years old, the other 86. It would be a first for me. I have never listened to speakers of such age before. I was expecting some testimonies and wise advice from the 2 ladies, drawing from their wealth of experiences in life and ministry. I was seated just a couple of minutes before the meeting. To the surprise of all present, the 2 ladies made an entrance with a drama! They were at least half hour earlier before all of us. They presented to us a scene outside a supermarket and how easy it is to spot someone who is in need of Jesus.

Their sharing throughout the evening was accompanied by power point presentation, powerful testimonies and heartwarming illustrations. Their passion for reaching out and discipleship is just amazing. The 2 ladies recently set up a “Prayer Booth” in a nearby town to strike up conversation with passerby and evangelize!

One of those amazing testimonies was about the older of the 2 ladies. The Lord led her to speak with one of her neighbors when she was staying in an apartment. After entering the lift one day, she started a conversation with a neighbor. It was apparent that she was having problems. She started to share Christ with the neighbor in the lift when the lift started to move. The lift moved up and down a few times, never stopping at the neighbor’s floor. With other residents coming in and out of the lift, she managed to finish sharing the gospel with the neighbor. As soon as the neighbor said that she is interested to know this Jesus, the lift stopped at her floor. They got out and finished the rest of the conversation which saw the neighbor coming to receive Jesus!

Jesus in His Great Commission promised that He will be with us till the end of the age. The sharing of these 2 elder sisters in Christ greatly testifies to this truth. The promised presence of Jesus with us as His disciples is to the “end of the age” – our age, at the least. His favours, provision, protection, grace and mercy is certain. He will supply all that we need for this age, because He has kept us on earth to be His witnesses. Witnesses speak out what they experience firsthand. We are called to bear witness to His faithfulness, love, grace, mercy, goodness, generosity, kindness, etc, etc… We can only witness to what we have first and foremost received.

Be a witness for Jesus. Be a disciple with undivided heart. His promises are sure.