Words by our Priest-in-Charge:
The Authority of a Disciple of Jesus
So Jesus said to them, ” Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘ Move from here to there, ‘ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. Matthew 17:20
As a disciple of Jesus, we have been clearly given the authority from above. In exercising that Godly and God-given authority, faith is required. Faith in the One who has given us the authority. Speak with authority in answer to every life’s challenges, leave the rest to God. It is God who moves mountain. We speak.
“Nothing changes until someone with God-given authority steps up. We are tempted to be silent. Instead of leading our generation for the purposes of God, the strong temptation is to yield to the next, strongest influence or most demanding voice.
In the process, contributions we should have made are replaced with leadership that does not reflect the Lord – a presence that, once in, opposes every standard, one by one, until it becomes obvious for all to see. Unfortunately, by the time we “see” it, the presence that came to take over, has!
Life in the natural can be done – even done well – without a shred of Bible faith. Paul made the distinction—we forfeit a higher, spiritual inheritance when we choose the proverbial bowl of stew and its momentary relief or satisfaction.
The natural life and religious niceties are fine but not where you go in the crisis. When a natural, manageable-with-the intellect setting changes unexpectedly to become intensely dark, “natural” senses do not work as well.
In contrast, the true, spiritual person sees, knows and speaks with God-given authority, an answer to life’s challenge with words of life, not just for his own, but for the whole world! The voice of the one who is spiritual steps up – a shofar blast of wisdom to calm the storm.
The voice of the Lord thunders.”
Adapted from Devotional of Shirley Weaver Ministry