Sunday – 30th June 2013

Words by our Priest-in-Charge:

Priest-in Charge

What do you need Jesus to do for you?

So Jesus answered and said to him, ” What do you want Me to do for you?” The blind man said to Him, “Rabboni, that I may receive my sight.” Then Jesus said to him, ” Go your way; your faith has made you well.” And immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus on the road. Mark 10:51-52

Part of my prayers to God involve asking. Asking reveals at least 3 things in us: first, what we consider as our needs. We will not ask for anything if we do not consider the things we ask for are what we lack, or what we desire or what we consider as necessary. In Mark chapter 10, it was recorded for 2 accounts of asking. In verses 35-37 and 43, the disciples James and John asked for position of honour. It was what they considered as important to them, perhaps even lacking in their lives. But Bartimaeus asked for sight that he might see. It was what he lacked and needed. Secondly, when we ask we are confident that the person we ask from has the ability to fulfill our requests. Thirdly, when we ask, we are certain that the person who able to grant us our requests are also willing.

What is therefore, the difference between the requests of the disciples James and John and the blind Bartimaues? It is in their identification who Jesus really is. To James and John, Jesus was the Messiah to save the political Israel, to restore the nation of Israel. To Bartimaeus, Jesus was the Messiah who would rescue him from a hopeless state that no man could ever accomplish for him. That was a crucial distinction. It may seem that Jesus granted the request of Bartimaeus but not that from James and John. In fact that is not true. Jesus granted both their requests. For Bartimaeus, the restoration of sight, for James and John, the way to greatness through servanthood.

The next time when you ask anything in prayers from Jesus, reflect upon these questions: 1. Do I know my needs? 2. Do I believe that Jesus could do it? 3. Am I confident that He is willing to grant me my requests? If your answers to all these questions are affirmative, then, ask from the Lord. Be confident that He will always answer us, not merely with a simple yes, no or wait, but always the best for us. Sometimes He needed to answer us in the manner and ways that are beyond our expectation. Trust Him. And allow Him to work out the best answers to fulfill our deepest needs.