John 4:46-54
A. God’s covenant to save mankind (Genesis 3:15)
- Even in the midst of the sin, curse and death, God made the covenant to save mankind.
B. Reason Jesus appeared in the world(1 John 3:8)
- To destroy the devil’s work
- To set us free from lies and deception so that we can choose salvation.
C. Teachings of Jesus that lead to the second sign (ACT 2)
Scene 1: Jesus clears the temple of God (John 2:19)
- Jesus’ resurrection from the dead is the sign that shows us that he is the messiah who has the authority and power over death and Satan.
Scene 2: Nicodemus came to Jesus at night(John 3:3, 5, 14 & 15)
- When the Holy comes upon us there is life in your spirit, soul and body and eventually our community and nation.
- We are made new from inside out.
Scene 3:John the Baptist’s declaration of Jesus (John 3:36)
- Jesus the Messiah has already destroyed the work of Satan. It is now our responsibility to make a decision to believe and accept Him.
Scene 4: Jesus talking to a Samaritan woman
- After you have believed and accepted Jesus, the next step is to worship Him.
- Where there is faith there is true worship of Jesus the Messiah.
Scene 5: The disciples returned to join Jesus at the well
- We are to get ready to do the work of preaching and teaching the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.
ACT 2: Healing of the official’s son
1) In our desperation we can go to Jesus.
2) Jesus’ miracles point to us that He is the Messiah.
3) Jesus is not limit in time and space when he heals.
4) Jesus relates withus at the level of our faith.
5) We simply trust Jesus for His word.