Week 27 – 6th July 2014

Knowing You Knowing Me

  1. Ephesians 1:17-21

    • The Spirit of God is given to us that we might know Him as who He is
    • That we might know who we are
    • That we might know the authority we have in Christ Jesus
    • That we might know the enormous resources and inheritance God has prepared for us.
    • That we might know our calling and destiny


  1. Isaiah 11:2

    • The Spirit of God is the Spirit of Wisdom and Knowledge
    • It is given to us so that we will have the ability and capability which we otherwise cannot have to finish the mission, assignment and work He has called us and given us
    • Exodus 28:3; 31:3-5
    • The Spirit of God is the Spirit of Creativity, which stirs up the image of our Creator in us, that we might be able to connect with His Spirit