Week 28 (15 July 2012)

Wholeness and Truth

1. We are spirit, soul and body

  • I Thessalonians 5:23
  • Therefore a Christian could be sanctified in all 3 aspects – spirit, soul and body.
  • Our lives should demonstrate the evidence of being set apart for God, that we may be blameless when Jesus returns
  • Blameless ≠ sinless
  • Blameless is free from causes for accusation, reproach and regret – life of repentance
  • Accusation occasioned by guilt
  • Reproach caused by sins
  • Regret because of faults or wrong decisions

 2. Sanctification and Wholeness

  • John 17:17-19
  • Sanctification is : to separate for holiness, set apart for service
  • A person experience wholeness and a life of blamelessness when he is sanctified by Jesus

 3. Sanctification and Revelation

  • Truth sanctifies us, and the word of God is truth (John 8:32)
  • To be sanctified or live a consecrated life, we need to receive and accept the revelation of God’s truth into our lives
  • Jesus brings us sanctification by being a High Priest for us – “…I sanctify myself”
  • Through the sacrifice of Jesus, we could be consecrated for God’s service and purpose



  1. 我们是灵、魂、体
  • 帖撒罗尼迦前书5:23
  • 所以基督徒应该在这3方面成圣 – 灵、魂、体
  • 我们的生命应该显示出为神分别为圣的证明;好让耶稣再次降临时,我们是无可指摘的
  • 无可指摘 ≠ 无罪
  • 无可指摘表示不会受到指控、斥骂和后悔的束缚 – 悔改的生命
  • 指控来自内疚
  • 斥骂来自罪
  • 后悔因为作了错误的决定

      2. 成圣和完全

  • 约翰福音17:17-19
  • 成圣就是:分别为圣,为了事奉分别为圣
  • 当耶稣使一个人成圣时,这个人就经历到完全和无可指摘的生命了
     3. 成圣和启示
  • 真理让我们成圣,神的话语就是真理 (约翰福音 8:32)
  • 若要成圣或活着一个分别为圣的生命,我们必须领受和接纳神真理的启示进入我们的生命
  • 耶稣为我们的缘故成为大祭司,叫我们成圣 – “… 自己分别为圣”
  • 藉着耶稣的牺牲,我们可以为了神的事工和旨意分别为圣