Week 30 (29 July 2012)

Blessed Are The Pure In Heart

1.  Seeing God

  • Matthew 5:8
  • Seeing God – able to recognize God’s hands, work, will and purpose in circumstances in life; intimate fellowship with God
  • The pure in heart shall see God

2.  Pure In Heart

  • Hebrews 12:14-15
  • Pure in heart – peace loving; holiness seeking
  • Bitterness normally caused by taking offence would defile the heart
  • Impure heart causes us to miss God’s grace and fall into legalism and judgmentalism
  • Bitterness could take root in our hearts and causes trouble and defiling many

3.  Purify My Heart

  • Acts 8:14-24
  • Bitterness poisons the heart and hold us in the bondage of error
  • When our is not right before God, we could not get what God is saying or doing
  • Repentance of our heart attitude, not only our words and action is the gateway to purifying the hearts



  1.  看见神

  • 马太福音5:8
  • 看见神 – 能够在生命里辨识到神的手、作为、旨意和命定;与神有密切的相交
  • 清心的人必得见神

  2.  清心的

  • 希伯来书12:14-15
  • 清心的人 – 喜爱和平;寻求圣洁
  • 通常因为感到被冒犯而生出苦毒,而这会玷污人的心
  • 不纯净的心导致我们失去神的恩典并且掉入墨守成规和爱论断的陷阱
  • 苦毒会在我们的内心扎根并且扰乱我们以及叫众人沾染污秽

  3.  洁净我的心

  • 使徒行传8:14-24
  • 苦毒会毒化一颗心并且使我们被罪恶捆绑
  • 当我们的心不正,我们不能够了解神所说所行
  • 不单只为 我们的言语行为,也为我们心里的意念悔改乃是让心灵得到洁净的门径