Week 34 (26 August 2012)

Heart After God

1.  Distracted Heart 

  • 1 Samuel 13:5-14; 15:24, 30
  • Intimidated by the immediate circumstances
  • Fear of men or their opinions
  • Fear of losing control
  • Lack of faith in what God says
  • Not an unbelieving heart, but a heart with distorted belief
  • Distracted heart leads to unlawful sacrifice and unacceptable service, it is potentially destructive to the work of faith

2.  Heart After God

  • Acts 13:22-23
  • Undivided Heart – focused on the Lord
  • Fear and Honour God more than man – 2 Samuel 6:21-22
  • Heed His commands
  • Faith in what God says and His faithfulness leads to acceptable sacrifice and service, befitting to be used by God for His redemptive purposes

3.  What Really Matters

  • Is the heart matter
  • One service, one God, 2 hearts



1.  受搅扰的心

  • 撒母耳记上13:5-14;15:24,30

  • 受到周围环境的威逼

  • 惧怕人或他们的意见

  • 惧怕失去控制

  • 对神所说的缺乏信心

  • 不是一颗不信的心,而是受扭曲的信念

  • 受搅扰的心会带来非法的牺牲和不被接受的服侍,它有潜能破坏信心的作为

2.  跟随神的心

  • 使徒行传13:22-23

  • 不受搅扰的心 – 专注于神的心

  • 对神的敬畏和尊崇胜过对于人 – 撒母耳记下6:21-22

  • 听从他的命令

  • 对神所说的和他的信实充满信心会带来蒙悦纳的牺牲和服侍,合适被神使用在他的拯救计划中

3.  什么是真正重要的

  •  就是一个人的心态

  • 一个服侍,一位神,两颗心