Week 35 (2 September 2012)

Mended Heart; Healed Life 

1.  Hope for the sorrowful 

  • Proverbs 15:13
  • The heart, spirit and countenance – the soul, spirit and body
  • Broken heart affects the countenance and spirit
  • A sorrowful heart is a wounded emotion, it causes a crushed spirit (Psalm 34:18)

 2.  Humility of the contrite

  • God does not despise those who would draw near to Him in humility even with a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart (Psalm 51:17)
  • Unhealed life affects our worship of God and relationship with others

3.  Healing for the broken

  • Isaiah 61:1-4
  • The Lord desires us to move from brokenness and fruitfulness – it starts with moving towards God to receive that healing



1.  悲伤的有盼望

  • 箴言 15:13
  • 心,灵和貌相- 魂,灵和体
  • 破碎的心会影响身体貌相和灵
  • 一颗悲伤的心是复伤的情绪,会带来一个压伤的灵 (诗 34:18)
2.  带痛悔的谦逊
  • 神必不轻看凡以谦逊的心亲近祂的人,就是忧伤的灵;忧伤痛悔的心 (诗 51:17)
  • 没被医治的生命会影响我们的敬拜和以人之间的关系
3.  破碎的得医治
  • 以 61:1-4
  • 神要我们从破碎跑进丰盛的生命 – 这一切都是从医治开始