Week 42 (21 October 2012)

Prepare to Receive the Kingdom

(Luke 3:1-20)

The disciples of Jesus Christ are required to commit a life-long preparation to receive the Kingdom. It is a Kingdom of “Now” but “Not yet”. The Kingdom of God will be fully realized when Jesus returns. Each Sunday, we are one week closer to His second coming. Are we ready?

The characteristic of the Kingdom we are to receive.

1. The uniqueness of the Kingdom – it opposes the Kingdom of the world.

  • It is a spiritual Kingdom, and an eternal one, and not of this world.
  • The Kingdom began very near the beginnings of history continuing in force down to present day toward the future.
  • The Kingdom welcomes all, but receives those whom have born of water and Spirit (repentance).


2. The uniqueness of the King of the Kingdom – He is Servant King.

  • The King has access to the Spirit for He baptizes with the Holy Spirit.
  • The King is one whom we are not worthy to approach, or draw nigh to, not as servant.
  • The King is the Servant.
  • The King shelters the righteous forever, but the hypocrites He hewn down and cast into fire.


3. The uniqueness of the people of the Kingdom – they bring forth fruits worthy of repentance.

  • The people desire to be told their duty.
  • The people avoid every appearance of evil in their life.


准备领受神的国 (路加福音31-20)



1.  神国度的独特性 – 它敌对世界的国度

  • 这是一个属灵的,永恒的,也不属世的国度。
  • 神的国自有史以来已经创始至今并且仍然向未来迈进
  • 神的国欢迎所有人,可是却接待凡是由水和灵而生的人(悔改)

2.  神国度的君王的独特性 – 他是仆人王

  • 这王能够进入灵界因为他用圣灵给人施洗
  • 这王是一位我们不配得接近或亲近的,甚至不是以仆人的身份亲
  • 这王是仆人
  • 这王为义人遮盖,可是假冒的人他却要砍下来并丢进火里

3.  神国度的子民的独特性 – 他们会带来与悔改的心相称的果子

  • 子民渴慕他们被告知他们的职责
  • 子民总是在他们的生命里避免邪恶的出现