Week 8 – 22nd February 2015

Freely You Received, Freely Give

Matt 9:36 – Matt 10:1-10

‘It is more blessed to give than receive’…Acts 20:35

  1. Gift of Compassion –  our motivation   ch 9:36

  • This week can you tell someone else about God’s compassion you have experienced recently?


  1. Gift of Authority – designated not deserved! 10:1

  • What can I do this week to use my authority in the Lord Jesus?


  1. Verbal proclamation – make it relevant! 10:7

  • What is the relevant gospel proclamation for Malaysia, for my family/friends/colleagues?


  1. Mission lifestyle – ready-to-go-ready-to-give lifestyle! 10:9&10

  • Is there anything holding me back?