Depart from here and turn eastward and hide yourself by the brook Cherith, which is east of the Jordan. You shall drink from the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there.” …Then the word of the Lord came to him, “Arise, go to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, and dwell there. Behold, I have commanded a widow there to feed you.'
In 1 Kings 17, Elijah just declared 3 years of drought over Israel. Famine was sure to follow suit. The King of Israel together with the people, had turned away from God. That was the consequence to the disobedience and rebellion of Israel. Though God was dealing with His people, man of God such as Elijah was adversely affected as well. Certainly, God did not intend for His faithful to perish. Yet, when the Lord sent the famine to the land, the provisions that come from the agriculture activities of the land also ceased. So, God used a brook, ravens and a widow to provide for Elijah. How amazing!
When the system from which provisions come collapsed, God used the least likely sources of provision – a brook is small and has little water, raven is one of the most selfish birds and a widow who is among the poor and marginalized of the society. At His command to the man of God, as he obeyed, provisions came to him in a most abnormal manner.
The impact of the current pandemic is yet to be fully seen and felt. It is going to affect our supply of provisions severely. God is attacking the gods of this world, challenging the philosophy and system of the world which has outrightly rejected God and His values. The Covid-19 virus has brought the world to our knees. What would become of God’s faithful? Are we somehow exempted from this “drought” of provisions? I do not think so. God’s people will experience or are experiencing the reduction in income, inconvenience, worries, lack and uncertainties. But our God is the God of Elijah. He who has provided for Elijah from outside the financial system of his days will provide for us, His faithful. In the abnormal situation, you will find God’s extraordinary intervention. You will find God’s “normal” in man’s “abnormal” circumstance.
Fix your eyes on your faithful God and Father. Look outside the box. If the system we relied on fails to provide for us, He will command provisions to come from the most unlikely sources. For your Heavenly Father cares for you!