Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence. He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler.
The coronavirus has threatened the world since the beginning of 2020. At the point of writing, there are more than 107 million cases confirmed infection worldwide, more than 2 million death, 79 million cured. The virus has spread across the globe, affecting nearly every nation. In the face of threat of death, fear exposes that side of human nature which is not necessary pretty! Unfounded hostility is stirred up against the Chinese in many places in the world. Asian looking persons were rejected from public transportation, they were harassed, refused entry to eateries, etc. Fear exposes the worst side of mankind.
God knows very well that in this Fallen world, mankind will experience fear of all kinds. Fear is captivating, to say the least. Fear enslaves and drives man into making ungodly choices and decisions. It does not build up but brings destruction to the one who fears. It spreads to damage relationships. It bears no good fruits because the object of fear becomes master of man.
The Word of God speaks very often about fear. It comforts and encourages those who fear God, who make Him their master, will therefore not be subject to any other fears. Not that we will become “immune” to fear, but in experiencing fear, we can run to God, and “hide under the shadow of His wings”, just like what the psalmist says in Psalm 91.
What are your fears? Don’t let them drive you to live out your worst. In fear, choose to run to God. Determine that the only one you would fear- take seriously in life, is God. God can use every fear in our experience, to turn into an opportunity for us to experience His protection and faithfulness. Fear doesn’t need to expose our worst side, turn it over to God, and He will bring the best out of us. Just as in the current situation. Some has chosen to show compassion and respect, even to those who are suspected of being coronavirus carriers!
Our God is bigger than all your fears!
- Ask the Lord to reveal to you any of your past decisions made in fear. Confess and repent from those decisions which were not made in faith.
- Ask the Lord to fill you with the fear of God in your heart. Pray for God’s guidance to help you in your decision making no longer dictated by fear but based on faith in God.