Day 21 – Healing of a Nation

DAY 21
Healing of a Nation

Therefore, O king, let my advice be acceptable to you; break off your sins by being righteous, and your iniquities by showing mercy to the poor. Perhaps there may be a lengthening of your prosperity.”
Daniel 4:27

The Lord promises if we turn away from our wickedness, He will forgive our sins and heal our land (2 Chronicles 7:14). Healing of the land involves the healing of everything in the land: its people, its habitation, its economy, etc. Just as forgiveness precedes the healing of an individual, so is forgiveness the key to the healing of a nation.

Forgiveness involves seeking God’s forgiveness for the sins committed in this nation, whether we are directly involved. We ask for forgiveness because sins hurt people and they hurt God. Forgiveness also means that we forgive the offenders, the sinners who have caused hurts to the land, robbed and done injustice to the people of this land, while not excusing them of their sins. It means we release them from our judgment, surrender them into the hands of the Righteous Judge, to the rule of laws. We hate the sins, but love the sinners.

The other component of healing of the land is about the response of the leaders of the nation. In Daniel 4:27, the word of God tells us that leaders of a nation can redeem themselves from their past sins and wickedness. Their sense of remorse and repentance must be confirmed by their subsequent actions and decisions. They must choose righteousness in the exercise of their governing authority. They must demonstrate justice and fairness in their policy and law making. Then, God’s healing will flow like an unending river, full of grace. His restoration will follow, and His glory will be seen in the nation.

Let us continue to uphold our nation in fervent prayers. Looking to God as the only hope of healing and restoration for this land and its people. Pray for our newly elected leaders to display righteousness and the fear of God.

Come, Lord Jesus, come. Flood this land with your grace and mercy!

Let us confess and repent of the continuing sins being committed over this land by the people and her leaders. Pray for God’s mercy upon our nations and the healing of the land.