“who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed.”
Scars are leftovers from wounds. They are evidence of pain and suffering in the past. Some scars though appear to be healed from the outside, still ache on the inside. Scars are also evidence of something has been removed. Recently, I heard of a testimony where a young man prayed for the healing of a woman from tumors in her body. The woman felt a sharp pain in her body when the prayer was going on. She felt something was removed. She discovered after the prayer that a scar appeared on her body that was not there previously. The scar was right over where the tumors were! When she returned to the doctor for a scan, the tumors were completely gone!
During this Holy Week, we remember the extent Jesus had to go through to set us free from the damning consequences of sins. He died in our place, that we might receive forgiveness of sins, no longer condemned to eternal separation from the God who gives us life. He took upon Himself every consequence of sin, including suffering, physical and emotional pain, spiritual bondages, sickness and infirmity. Every stripe He received on His body, He received it in our place. Because of His stripes, healing for us is made possible. Think about it: the Son of God suffered every conceivable pain and suffering that man could possibly experience – physical and emotional abuse, rejection, shame, betrayal, infirmity, etc.
His suffering was real. Those stripes were real. Therefore, the healings which Jesus brings to us are also real. We can experience them. He wants us to have them, so that we know how much He loves us. So that we can, live out our God-given identity and walk in God-given destiny - a life more abundantly!
Jesus died a death that He did not deserve, so that we can live a life that we are not entitled to! That’s amazing grace! That’s love!