This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends
The greatest love that mankind has witnessed is that of God through His Son Jesus. Jesus was a sinless man, both in the eyes of man’s law and God’s law. Yet, He died a death that was meant for us sinners. And He did so willingly.
The greatest gift that mankind can receive is that of salvation from the condemnation and consequences of sin. God has so freely given us through His Son Jesus. He knows who we are and the sins we carry in us. Yet, He CHOOSE to love us, so much so He did not spare His own Son to save us.
Now, Jesus gave us a Commandment to love one another as He has loved us. How did He love? Completely out of His free will. In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed for His disciples and all His future disciples, that we may be made one in His love (John 17:20-26). Jesus was able to love so freely because the Father has loved Him out of His own free will as well. True freedom is to be able to love freely, to act out that love free from any compulsion. Jesus gave us a Commandment to love, which He Himself willingly obey. When it is willingly obeyed, we receive the greatest gift and experience the greatest love, that mankind can ever imagine!
Isn’t that rather ironic? Contrary to the standard of the world? Jesus asked us to do the same – as we have received the gift of life out of love freely expressed, we too, can love in the same manner. When we do unto God and unto others what birthed out of love, out of free will, out of freedom, we give the best of ourselves, by any standard.
So, the best thing in life is still free!