“But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.”
The phrase “true worshipers” must not be taken to imply that there are “less than true” or even “false” worshipers among God’s people. When Jesus used the phrase, I believe He was highlighting that all worships acceptable to God must be “in spirit and in truth”.
In spirit, because the kind of worship God desires from us has to be birthed forth from the heart, from the essence of our whole being; totally focused, wholly committed. In truth, because we cannot worship a God whom we do not know, and our worship must be sincere, primarily towards Him with no hidden agenda on our part – truthful. We must know our God to offer an acceptable worship to Him. We must have faith in who God is before we can draw near to Him in worship. (Hebrews 11:6)
We must be honest with ourselves that sometimes our worship is not entirely “in spirit and in truth” in the way that has been described. There is a need for us to return to a consistent way of life in true worship. Because God is seeking for such to worship Him. He is seeking for true worshipers that He might draw near to. True worship attracts God’s presence. When God’s presence is with His people, His glory is seen in them.